Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Geek Squad!!

These are my geek friends at work. We went to Cinematic Titanic and Evil Dead: The musical together. We're also planning to go see a live showing of RiffTrax at a local theater. For making my days so much more fun, I present to you the Bear and The Badger caught completelely unaware in their natural habitat!

And as a special Tribute to my 2 favorite geeks, first here's the world's best Dead Milkmen tribute band with the "Badger" song:

And secondly, you go Bear!!! It takes skill to steal salmon and not pic-a-nic baskets!!

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Anonymous said...

Badgers, badgers, badgers, badgers, MUSHROOMS!

Daniel J. Roos said...

Bears, bears, bears, bears, PIZZA!!

DJShay said...

Scavengers, the lot of ya!!