But I'm up against a very tight project deadline at work and to top it off, I've got a sinus infection that's sapping what little energy I have. I am starting to feel a bit better though, thanks for asking :)
I took these shots a couple of days ago. Sir Snarklepants is allowing me to pick him up now. I don't think he's entirely comfortable with it, but he doesn't squirm to get down and he also doesn't back away when I'm petting him. Video evidence is below. So no Daniel and Brian, it's NOT Catsploitation.
Ok, so maybe he jumps down, but he was there a looooong time before he jumped down
As for the other kitties, Momcat has moved them to the back patio. And now they are sleeping in the food dish.
The little black one follows me around every time I go outside now:
They all seem to be doing ok. I also bought a new camera and it looks very intimidating. Which is why the shots above were taken with my other camera. Look for the new camera pics this weekend.
1 hour ago
Sleeping in the food dish is ok, pooping in it is not. Keep an eye out!
um... daily?
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