Friday, July 31, 2009

Getting Discouraged

Snarkle still runs from me and acts like he wants to be petted, but tries to get away from me whenever I do pet him. It's been a crazy week and I haven't spent as much time with him as I should, but I will rectify that this weekend. I have my doubts I'll ever get him to be an indoor cat with reactions like this:

I'll just have to keep at it I guess. Meanwhile in the front of the house, the kittens are getting more adventurous. This little guy followed Momcat all the way from under the front porch to the carport

And the others are venturing out when I put moist food out for the Momcat. And they are very tame. When you pick them up they just seem to go limp. I'll have to get some video of that soon. Quite amusing.

Also, all the rain we've been getting has really made the wildflowers bloom. Here's some shots I took with my soon to be spare camera the Canon Power Shot. I am upgrading to a Nikon Digital SLR, so be prepared for some crazy looking pics in the future as I get used to "real" photography as opposed to just "point and click"

Picture 885

Picture 884

Picture 886

Picture 883

And one last picture of teh laziest cat evah!

Picture 881

Have a great weekend everyone!!

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New Post Coming Soon

I was too tired and it was taking too long for vids to upload last night to post any updates, but I'm working on them now and should have something up soon.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Counting Down the Days

I'm just counting down the days until I can get Sir Snarklepants fixed. He likes to hang out underneath our neighbor's car and that's how his brother got hurt. But as soon as he's snipped, he'll be inside, and no Brian Neuticles will NOT be an option! So here's some vid of his majesty lazing around on a hot summer day. And his paws kill me. I don't know why, but I just love them. He's not real happy about being woke up:

I also got some shots of the other kittens. I've started leaving moist food out for them in the afternoon. They can smell is and gets them out from underneath the porch and it prompts Momcat to nurse them a little more.

Here's video of the black one and the one I call "Camera Hog" playing:

It won't be too long before they'll be venturing out without Momcat. Hopefully I can find homes for them all. Have a great evening everyone!!

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It's Getting Ready To Storm

One of nice southern hot hazy, late in the day induced storms that cool the weather down about 10 to 15 degrees. So, no new pics or vids today, but here are some "outtakes" that I haven't posted yet. I had to bring work home with me too, so it's cut into my kitten time. enjoy!

The always sleeping Sir Snarklepants:


And a few rare "action" shots. These are hard to come by!




I wonder how big he'll get? In some pictures it seems like he's all feet, which is fine with me. I love big kitties. It's fun watching him grow. Anybody know if paw size is an indication of how big they'll get?

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Monday, July 27, 2009

We've Come A Lomg Way Baby

More Snarklepants video as he slept on an end table on our patio. He looks slightly perturved as I wake him up:

Can you bielieve that a little less than 2 months ago, this little guy wouldn't let me near him, much less pet him. And look at him now. He's practically begging for scritches. Ok maybe begging is too strong a word, but look at how he exposes his neck for me. He'll be sleeping with me before long :)

The kittens seem to be healthy as well. They are now eating a the little of the fish food I put out for Momcat.

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

More Kitten Monitoring. 5th Kitten Found

It was a short, but very hoy day today, playing with the kittens And the missing one finally showed up I don't if he's too big to get through the lattice, or hasn't hasn't figured it out yet.

The back and grey one show up too.

All in all it was too hot to much of anything, so I stared inside mosr of the day, Tomorrow is hopefully going to be a lot cooler

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For My Grandparents: I Get It Now

When I was growing up, I had 2 sets of the most wonderful, loving grandparents a child could have. And I was lucky enough to have then well into adulthood as well. Each set had large backyard gardens and were fond of shrubs and trees and flowers of every variety. I grew up on home grown vegetables and fruits and trust me, they are are much better than the produce at your local Food Lion, or maybe it was just the love :) But both had a peculiar habit that I didn't understand until just recently, of just taking a chair under a tree outside and just sitting. Occasionally talking, but mainly just observing. But it was until recently when I, myself, started growing a garden and landscaping that I knew why they did it.

They did it for the slow pace and peacefulness of nature and the calming effect it has on ones mind, soul, and body:

Picture 718

The satisfaction of knowing that something you planted actually grew and not just grew, but exploded. the second tree is one I planted 2 years ago and was a 12 inch long stick when I got it in the mail.



It's the appreciation of the the beautiful transformation of a tightly spiraled bud that will end up into a full blow color explosion in less than 24 hours

Picture 821

Picture-2 070

It's finding beauty in the tiniest of obscure things like lady bugs and bumble fees

Picture 823


The wildflowers that grow despite the lack/too much of water.

Picture 820

Picture 818

Picture 768

Picture-2 062

It's the fact that nature is powerful above all things and we simply can not contain it. It will always find a way.
Picture 719

I see now the wonder and peacefulness and joy just observing these this brings to you. I wish they were still alive so I could take my place beside them with my own chair underneath a shade tree and just "be".

For my Grandparents

PPS, you didn't think you were getting out of this post without a pootie video, now did you? You don't know me very well if you did :)

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Peek At The New Momcat Location

I was able to get vid and pics of the kittens underneath the porch, with much body contortion on my part. I've seen 4 of the 5 remaining and the one I didn't see was the mostly black one with bits of white. She has them in an awkward location, so it may have been there and I just didn't see it because it was so dark.

You can see the solid black one and the one I now call "camera hog" because every time I go out to take pics, he's the first one to greet me.

They seem eager to be out in the world exploring. This is good. They are not afraid of humans and this will make finding homes for them much easier:

Here's the gray one trying to get in on the action, but can't quite fit through the in the hole in the lattice work:

And this is a great shot of one of them amongst the sedums:

Picture 822

Oh, and as a side note, most of the video and pics I post have been taken with a Canon Power Shot SD850 Elph. For a point and ahoot camera I think I've been getting some amazing pics and vids. And I'm not getting paid to say that :) I will soon be upgrading to a more robust SLR where I'll have more control over lighting, exposure, etc, but so far this little camera has performed like a dream. Just wanted to give it some love :)

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Friday, July 24, 2009

A New Toy For Snarklepants and Momcat Moves Kittens Again

Sir Snarklepants continues to be skittish, but is now regularly eating out of my hand and allowing me to pet him. On his terms of course. Here's him eating tuna, or rather grabbing tuna out of my hand. And Sammi, the local stray getting in on the action, The back patio's a mess because every time it rains, it pushed yard debris on to it, so excuse the mess:

And here is the new toy I got him. He really seems to like it.

And Momcat McLovin moved her babies AGAIN! This time under the steps of the front porch. I was too tired after my craptacular week to crawl around on all 4s to get pics, but I'll be sure to post some tomorrow after a good night's sleep. They are already used to humans now and some in fact follow me outsdide, so there shouldn't be any adjustmnebt period once they are adopted. I'm almost tempted to take this little guy in too. Hr's so full of adventure and personality!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Picture 794, originally uploaded by dj.shay.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

More Upbeat News - Happy Friday Everyone!

This little guy out of the whole bunch has absolutely stolen my heart and I can't keep him, so Annie, if you are looking for a companion for "Fuzzy" I think this is your little guy/girl. It even follows you around when you walk.

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We Lost a Kitten Last Night. RIP Little Dude

There was a spot of blood on it's head which makes me think raccoons were trying to drag it somewhere and Momcat intervened but it was too late. The others still look healthy and in good condition. That's mother nature for ya. In honor of the little dude, here's the first video I took of him. Rest in Peace.

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Neverending Saga Of Moving Kittens

As I said in an earlier post, Momcat, McLovin, has moved her kittens for the 3rd time. She has moved them from am almost completely inaccessible place underneath a storage shed to a wicker couch on our back patio under a fake ficus tree that keeps blowing over the couch. It's like she did it for me so that would have better access to them. See these cuties below:

Now, do you think you can handle cute? 'Cause this next vid isn't for amateurs. It's
been known to blind upon 1 viewing only. Don't say you haven't been warned. The best part is at the end:

This has some shots of the black one that is already spoken for as well as the white one:

More to come as they slowly upload.

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So, Sir Snarklepants is a Tease

Yesterday after work he bounds up to within like 5 feet of me and when I reach down to pet him he takes off a couple of feet and meows, and looks back at like, "You know you're going to follow me, and I did, of course.

But in the end, he let me rub his belly. But I now know that ANY contact will be on his terms. It should be interesting when I get him acclimated inside.

It's hard to believe that a month ago this cat was almost feral.

And here's a teaser for the next post. Momcat moved her kittens yet AGAIN, and this time you won't believe where. Fun stuff coming up :)

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Kitten Vids Cont........

It took a while for these last vids to load, but I wanted to post them because the black one was crawling through the lattice work trying to escape, so I grabbed for a little close up video:

And here's good shot of the white one. I think I'm going to start leaving a little canned tuna or moist car food and and water out for them. If they are trying to escape it may be because they are hungry. Momcat seems to be spending less and less time with them lately:

I promise a great Sir Snarklepants post later on today. He's such a tease!!

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hot off fthe Memory Card - Kitten Video

Well, Momcat again let was eating again when I got home and discovered the wee onew trying to get out of the gaps in the lattice work. I think I'm going to cut out piece of the woid so I'll have better access to them"

They seem to get bigger every day

Andy they done't seem to be as scared of me as they were a couple of daya ago.

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This Post Is For Me

I've truly had a craptacular day, so I wanted to show off some Sir Snarklpants in all is Early Morning weird xanadu wacky mood. This is strictly for my enjoyment. If anyone else enjoys it too, well then good for you!

If I hide under here, she can't see me!

And His Majesty feasting on fish

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The Geek Squad!!

These are my geek friends at work. We went to Cinematic Titanic and Evil Dead: The musical together. We're also planning to go see a live showing of RiffTrax at a local theater. For making my days so much more fun, I present to you the Bear and The Badger caught completelely unaware in their natural habitat!

And as a special Tribute to my 2 favorite geeks, first here's the world's best Dead Milkmen tribute band with the "Badger" song:

And secondly, you go Bear!!! It takes skill to steal salmon and not pic-a-nic baskets!!

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Snarkle Being Snarkle

It's his favorite place right underneath the carport. He's there everday when I get home from work:

Picture 765

He's got the early morning crazies again/l

And he actually is starting to purr when I pet him! Hopefully I csn get it on camera :)

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While Momcat's Away..................................

I got home from work today and while Momcat was eating, I took my chances and went to get some video of the kittens underneath the storage building and I got some great shots!! I think the white one with the dark ears will end up looking like Sire Snarklepants:

The gray kitten seems to be the "alpha" cat. I'm trying to do this everyday so they get used to humans.

They seem eager to see me too!! Annie, this has a brief shot of the black one, I think you're going to call "Fuzzy"

Tune into tomorrow for all the exciting adventures of the kitten posse!!

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My Cat Is Soooo Lazy...............

Picture 732

Picture 731

Picture 730

Picture 727

Picture 726

Picture 725

Picture 721

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