Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Neverending Saga Of Moving Kittens

As I said in an earlier post, Momcat, McLovin, has moved her kittens for the 3rd time. She has moved them from am almost completely inaccessible place underneath a storage shed to a wicker couch on our back patio under a fake ficus tree that keeps blowing over the couch. It's like she did it for me so that would have better access to them. See these cuties below:

Now, do you think you can handle cute? 'Cause this next vid isn't for amateurs. It's
been known to blind upon 1 viewing only. Don't say you haven't been warned. The best part is at the end:

This has some shots of the black one that is already spoken for as well as the white one:

More to come as they slowly upload.

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